Payday loans are getting a lot of attention recently. Many new laws have been passed to restrict lending and put payday loans out of business. They have not worked, as payday loans have only evolved to assess a fee rather than interest to get around the laws.
Payday loans are a short term solution. If you need fast cash, payday loans are the way to go. As long as you don't borrow too much and pay it back fast, they can be very helpful. A payday loan can help with car payments or repairs, rent, emergencies, bills and other expenses. Just pay it back when you get your next paycheck.
No law is going to even ban payday loans. People will always need fast cash, and people will always provide it for them. Whether they get their payday loans are online or in a store, they will always be here to provide a fast cash advance for those who need it.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
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